July 2021

Back in 2012, MidAtlantic Samoyed Rescue took in 33 Samoyeds after a seizure from Linda Wilson and her sister. One of those dogs was Sasha, known then as Delaware-12, as well as “the dog with four front legs.” She had no hip sockets and her rear legs were fused and hyperextended, so when she sat her back legs stuck out between her front legs. I called Danielle, the rescuer who runs MASR, and told her we have a home on a single level, without steps. I said if nobody else takes her, we might be interested. Her answer was “She will be on the next flight.” Although Sasha wasn’t a Northwest Samoyed Rescue dog, she was a rescue who met every dog who came through our rescue group. She was unquestionably the alpha bitch in the pack, letting everyone know she was the boss.


At first, Sasha could run with the other dogs, taking her weight on her front legs while the back legs bounced along behind her. Over time, her front legs weakened, and for the last few years we carried her everywhere with a harness. Last week she faded fast, obviously in pain from something we couldn’t determine, and on July 5 she crossed the bridge. Sasha taught everyone that being disabled didn’t determine who she was. She loved every human she ever met, and she met a lot of the people who came here to adopt. She will be missed.

Holley continues to monitor Craigslist every day, not only our northwest lists but every one around the country. She forwards listings to the rescue secretary to be sent to the closest rescue group. Recently a dog appeared in the Spokane area, so Holley wrote to offer our help. Although it is rare, she received an answer saying they would like to work with us. As a result, a former adopter is going to drive there and meet a girl named Kina very soon. We should soon know if it’s a good match, and if it isn’t they will bringing her back and we’ll be taking her in as a foster. Holley keeps a record of all dogs she forwards, so she could tell us this is the same dog who was on Craigslist a couple years ago in Plummer, Idaho.

Last month we heard from a couple in Snoqualmie whose Samoyeds had passed, and they decided because of their age not to have any more. They offered us all the things they had collected over the years, which included some very nice things (grooming supplies, blower, table, doggie door, etc.). The list is lengthy, and we’re discussing what we will do with it all. Rescue has collected many nice things over the years and we’d like to have an auction. If you are reading this and think you could do that for us, we’d like to hear from you.

I want to give a special thanks to Kathy Timmons for her work organizing and running the agility trial. We especially want to acknowledge the donation she and the club sent to Northwest Samoyed Rescue. It means we don’t need to worry if a Samoyed shows up who needs medical help. Thank you!

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