Thanks to Holley, we almost never go more than twelve hours without hearing about new dogs listed on Craigslist. She checks faithfully twice a day, every day of the year. Her dedication is legendary, and the last day of November found her on vacation, running scripts from her computer in Maui. She let us know about a Salem dog that was just listed; we called the phone number and left a message, then followed up with email, but heard nothing. As happens on many of these, the listing was taken down by the owner a few hours later and we will probably never know what happened.
Another dog popped up in the Kalispell shelter, listed as a Sammy mix but probably a Husky. Sandy went to check and let us know it was one we shouldn’t take. Sometimes a negative answer is as valuable as a positive answer, and having volunteers like Sandy is an important part of our rescue family.
A few days ago we had a question about temporary fostering for two dogs, and we will follow up as we find out the exact circumstances. At this point it doesn’t sound like an emergency, but these things have a habit of changing abruptly.
During the Christmas season we benefit from the purchases made on Amazon by our friends. If you go to and click the logo, Northwest Samoyed Rescue will receive a little bit of purchases made on Amazon. It costs you nothing and rescue benefits quite a bit. Imagine how much the dogs would be helped if all your Amazon purchases were done that way. We also have a reminder on the website for those who shop at Fred Meyer because they have a similar program. If you want the exact instructions write to and you’ll get everything you need.
It’s also the time when many of you make end-of-year donations. We are a 501(c)3 federal non-profit and your donations to Northwest Samoyed Rescue are tax deductible. If your check isn’t enough documentation for your tax account, we’re happy to send a statement showing what a generous and cool person you are.
Whether it’s Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or Happy Holidays, we hope you have a wonderful holiday season and 2016 is filled with clouds of Sammy hair.